Home>>Port Charges>>details

Country : ChinaSHENZHEN

Document charge RMB125 or USD15

Customs Clearance Fee: one consignment for one container RMB250/consignment
one consignment for more than one containers : for the first container
for one more container

ORC USD141/269

B/L surrender fee, document amendment fee and other fees are charged according to the standard of shipping companies.

It should add BAF:USD205/410,CAF:O/F*8.6% to shipping charges when in European routes (including transit port in Europe).


It should add AMS:USD25/BILL to shipping charges in American routes.
Country Codes
AE UnitedArabEmirates
AL Albania
AR Argentina
AU Australia
BD Bangladesh
BG Bulgaria
BI Burundi
BM Bermuda
BO Bolivia
BS Bahamas