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Charter Form Open Port Open Date DWT
Break-bulk Vessel Beifang 2008-01-18 60000
Break-bulk Vessel Rizhao 2008-01-07 53400
Break-bulk Vessel Shanghai 2008-01-27 25000
Break-bulk Vessel Shanghai 2008-01-27 25000
Break-bulk Vessel Xiamen 2007-12-20 20000
Break-bulk Vessel Fangcheng Port 2007-01-06 30000
Break-bulk Vessel Lianyungang 2007-11-26 10000
Break-bulk Vessel Rizhao 2007-12-28 50000
Break-bulk Vessel Lianyungang 2007-12-15 41000
Break-bulk Vessel Pointe-Noire Congo 2007-12-22 6000
Break-bulk Vessel Cam Pha, Vietnam or Zhanjiang, China 2007-11-15 25000
Break-bulk Vessel Kuwait 2007-12-22 25000
Break-bulk Vessel S.China 2007-11-10 23651
Break-bulk Vessel yosu 2007-11-15 37740
Break-bulk Vessel Kosichang 2007-11-10 31837
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