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Mombasa's 7-9 day delays prompt carrier talk of congestion surcharges

Jun 7, 2011 Logistics

A CARRIER source has revealed that increasing congestion and extended waits at Mombasa, Kenya's big port which handles 600,000 TEU a year, is prompting talk of surcharges.

"Mombasa has major issues," an executive of an Asian-based carrier told London's Containerisation International. "Delays are averaging seven to nine days and have been consistent for the past month. There has been active talk about imposing a port congestion surcharge although the quantum is still to be decided."

He attributed some of the port's problems to an earlier decision by the Kenya Port Authority (KPA) to sack crane drivers and support staff, a result of disputed wage claims and plans to privatise the port.

Cargo handling rates have dropped to "well under" 10 containers an hour, said the report, a far cry from the KPA objective of 25 an hour per crane.

Dockside repairs have also reduced berth availability. "It is understood that problems with the KPA's cargo clearing system, and a more rigorous regime for weighing containers before they leave the port, have exacerbated the delays," said the report.

"I think there might be a week to see if the situation improves. After that, I would not be surprised if Mombasa is by-passed by some carriers since the cost of calling will outweigh the benefit," said the CI source.

