Fast Freight Logistics (Guangzhou) Ltd

Company Name: Fast Freight Logistics (Guangzhou) Ltd
Country/City: China/Guangzhou
Artificial Person: Sridhar Thangaraj
Address: 广州市荔湾区人民中路555号美国银行中心1517室
Tel: 8613500025034
Fax: 02085515416
Postcode: 510000
Industrial Classification: forwarder
Business scope: We are Part of Fast Logistics Group and our head office is located in Dubai and we have offices in all over India China UK Turkey Jordan and KSA. We are moving monthly 800 to 1000 TEU per month volume. Looking forward your support and cooperation as partner to handle our prepaid rate under your contract and we will nominate you as our booking window to our freight collect contract. Looking foward your soonest reply and our Jordan team is more aggressive in selling rates and expected our volume Ningbo to Aqaba 300 to 500 TEU per month. Please help to give us best rate and service for mutual benefits of both companies