
10th International biannual conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures

Jul 25, 2012

Title: 10th International biannual conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures
Type: Logistics
Country: Iran
Location: Tehran
Date: 2012-11-19

19th Nov, 2012 - 21st Nov, 2012
Description: The main objective of holding "ICOPMAS" is to provide a forum for exchange of experiences and views of those involved in coasts and ports engineering and marine projects from different countries and being informed about their latest scientific, technical and experimental achievements. In this regards, the main emphasis is putted on the promotion of the practical quality of the coasts, ports and marine structures engineering in Iran.
Location: Tehran, Iran

Organiser: Permanent Secretariat of the Conference
Tel: +98 21 88206774
Fax: +98 21 84932279
Email: icopmas@pmo.ir
URL: http://icopmas.pmo.ir/En/pages/page.aspx?id=651550313F07827902E6E3E48250036E