
Global Port & Marine Operations 2010

Nov 3, 2009

Title: Global Port & Marine Operations 2010
Type: Port
Country: Australia
Location: Perth
Date: 2010-04-19

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


I am delighted to say a very warm welcome to the beautiful City of Perth, and to our 7th IHMA Congress.


The organisation of this event, which has been undertaken by Informa Australia and Capt Eric Atkinson, has been meticulous and this will be evident as the Congress progresses.


As this is our first Congress to be held in Australia the Western Australian Ports Association, PORTS WA, have marked the occasion by offering the Chairman of Fremantle Ports, Alan Birchmore as Congress Chairman - a singular honour for the IHMA.


Perth is a beautiful city situated on the Swan River upstream from the important port of Fremantle, which will feature in the technical site visits during our stay. I am positive you will enjoy the attractions of Perth, chief among which is the relaxed lifestyle its people enjoy. Let me turn for a moment to the professional papers which have been approved by Capt Dirk Vernaeve and his Papers Committee. The Congress theme is 'Sustainability: Fact or Fiction?' which posed the Committee a challenge. We asked them to seek papers that will show that the industry is conscious of mounting difficulties in operating a modern port today. The main difficulty we all face is the increasing awareness of our environment and the threats it faces through our, and other industries, activities. By choosing and discussing this theme I believe that we can show legislators and stakeholders that we are committed to facing the environmental and societal issues by seeking sustainable methods which meet international best practice. To Dirk and his team, thank you for such a comprehensive programme of papers.


To those sponsors and exhibitors who have chosen to support and display at the Congress - thank you for your efforts as without your involvement the Congress would not be the same. I urge delegates to take advantage of their presence, and visit all the stands.

To the members of ExCo who give of their time running the day to day business of our Association - a very personal thanks for all your help during the last two years. As with all industries we have not escaped the effects of the global economic crisis, despite this, the members of ExCo still found the time to guide the Association in trying times.


Finally I very much look forward to meeting you all at the various functions during the Congress and renewing old friendships as well as making new ones.


Alan Coghlan
President IHMA