Freight Rate
Location : Home>>Break-bulk Freight>>Details


Company : Shanghai Puyu International Logistics Co. Ltd..
Freight : 1
Advantage : All routes import and export shipping air transport customs declaration trailer express delivery!
Vessel type : Bulk Vessel
Valid Date : 2019-12-31
Remarks : 全航线,进出口海运、空运、报关、拖车、快递,服务优质,价格美丽,欢迎来询。
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Contact Details :
Shanghai----Trujillofreight released by the counterparts
Freight(USD/M²) Vessel Type Valid Date Credibility Release date Contact
1 Bulk Vessel 2019-12-31 Credibility level4 2019-03-27 Contact details
1 Bulk Vessel 2019-12-31 Credibility level4 2019-03-01 Contact details
56 Bulk Vessel 2018-12-27 Credibility level4 2018-12-03 Contact details
37 Bulk Vessel 2018-07-20 Credibility level4 2018-06-22 Contact details
Company Introduction

Shanghai Puyu International Logistics Co. Ltd..

Credibility : Credibility level4
Comment : Positive(0) Negative(0)
Register : 2019-02-25