Freight Rate
Location : Home>>Break-bulk Freight>>Details
Freight : 45
Advantage :
Vessel type : Bulk Vessel
Valid Date : 2018-03-09
Remarks :
Contact Person : Please sign in to view Sign in  Sign up free
Contact Details :
Qingdao----San luisfreight released by the counterparts
Freight(USD/M²) Vessel Type Valid Date Credibility Release date Contact
45 Bulk Vessel 2018-03-09 Credibility level4 2018-02-27 Contact details
55 Bulk Vessel 2018-03-03 Credibility level4 2017-11-02 Contact details
55 Bulk Vessel 2018-03-03 Credibility level4 2017-11-02 Contact details
Company Introduction

qing dao qi ming xuan International logistics Co.,Ltd

Credibility : Credibility level4
Comment : Positive(0) Negative(0)
Register : 2014-09-18