Freight Rate
Location : Home>>Break-bulk Freight>>Details


Company : shang hai fan yuan Shipping Co.,Ltd
Freight : 32
Advantage :
Vessel type : Bulk Vessel
Valid Date : 2018-09-28
Remarks : 专业承接各类钢材、援外项目、设备车辆等件杂货,自有船及拼船拼货为主!价格低!服务优!专业精英团队!欢迎广大老板朋友大力支持!有需要请至电寻价!小生静候您的到来!
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Contact Details :
Shanghai----Haldiafreight released by the counterparts
Freight(USD/M²) Vessel Type Valid Date Credibility Release date Contact
32 Bulk Vessel 2020-04-30 Credibility level4 2020-04-20 Contact details
40 Bulk Vessel 1970-01-01 Credibility level4 2019-09-17 Contact details
30 Bulk Vessel 2019-06-20 Credibility level4 2019-06-10 Contact details
30 Bulk Vessel 2019-04-16 Credibility level4 2019-04-12 Contact details
Company Introduction

shang hai fan yuan Shipping Co.,Ltd

Credibility : Credibility level4
Comment : Positive(0) Negative(0)
Register : 2018-03-29