Our main cargo groups are: timber, saw-timber, ferrous metals, paper, cotton, foodstuffs, equipment, chemical industry products, building materials, mineral fuel. We transport cargoes both in usual wagons and platform-mounted maritime containers, dispatch perishables (frozen meat, fish, etc.) in thermoses and refrigerated sections.
This is basic department from which the company started its business life. Since beginning activity in the freight market, the company has earned unrivalled chartering experience in terms of developing new markets. Success of the department can be credited to its staff, while not concentrating only on the domestic regions, like Baltic and north seas, but in expanding activity worldwide, especially in regions of Black and Mediterranean seas, West Africa and South America. In maintaining close contacts with our long-standing partners; shipowners, charterers and brokers, we are always doing the utmost to give the best possible service and to develop new markets. Emphasizing protection of the interests of shipowners, our highly qualified personnel has impressive achievements in all aspects of shipping management.